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Change of sender ID of SMS Notification

The sender ID of SMS notification for radiation health services has been changed from 'RBHK' to ‘#DH-ERLS’.

SMS notification services was launched on 1 December 2014. Regarding the details of the SMS notification service, please refer to the following.

Purpose of the SMS notification:

- reminding radiation workers of the date, time and place of medical examination on the Monday in the week of the medical appointment;
- sending alert messages to the radiation workers and their employers of the high dose recorded by the dosimeter immediately returned to Radiation Monitoring Service (RMS).

To register mobile phone number for the SMS:

- Radiation workers can provide their mobile phone numbers in the application form of medical examination or when they attend the medical appointment. SMS will be issued for next appointment;
- Users or authorized persons of RMS can register their mobile phone numbers in 'Profile Management' page on Electronic Radiation Licensing and Services System (ERLS) after logging onto their user or subscriber accounts.

Date Posted : 23 May 2024

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