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Home > Licence Application > Forms and Fees

Licence Application

Forms and Fees

Quick Reference to Forms and Fees in relation to Licence Application :
Description Form required Fee
New Application for Irradiating Apparatus (IA) Licence
Possession of an IA in a non-functional state
DH 1271(S) and IA-P1 and IA-IAe $410
Storage of an IA or X-ray Tube DH 1271(S) and IA-P1 and IA-IAe $410
Possession of IA in functional state DH 1271(S) and IA-P2 $1150
Use of IA on human body DH 1271(S) and IA-U1 $160
Use of IA NOT on human body DH 1271(S) and IA-U2 $160
Sale of IA DH 1271(S) and IA-S and IA-IAe $570
Renewal of IA Licence
Possession of an IA in a functional state IA-P-R2 $1150
Storage of IA or X-ray Tube IA-P-R1 $410
Use of IA on human body IA-U1 $160
Use of IA NOT on human body IA-U2 $160
Sale of IA IA-S and IA-IAe $570
Application for Radioactive Substances (RS) Licence
New application RSF1 $3190
Licence renewal RSF2 $3190
Change of RS use / storage premises RSF1 $3190
Amendment: Change name of licensee
(No change of RS premises)
RSF3 $155
Amendment: Change of supervisors RSF3 $155
Amendment: Change of types of RS RSF3 $155
Miscellaneous Forms
Amendment of Irradiating Apparatus Licence Written Request $155
Application for 'certified true copy' of a licence Written Request $160
Application for certified copy of certificate of medical examination Written Request $30
Notification of Changing of Correspondence Information IA-C-Add -
Notification for Industrial Radiography / Use of Non-Medical IA at Ad Hoc Work Sites SR -
For licensee of IA licence
Abandonment of IA IA-Abandonment -
Transfer of IA IA-Tran -
IA sale return form Sale Return Form-IA -
IA assessment form IA-IAe -
For licensee of RS licence
Application for a Permit to Move RS RP1 -
RS sale return form Sale Return Form-RS -
Cumulative Report of Conveyance of RS RPL3 -

Regarding the collection of personal data, please refer to the statement here for more information.

Sample form for reference:
Form No.
DH 1271 (S)
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